Critical Reading

Apr 2, 2018

Critical reading

Within an academic environment, it is important to read critically, beyond the literal meaning of the text. This includes:

·         Recognizing author’s purpose

·         Recognizing author’s point of view

·         Making inferences

·         Drawing conclusions

·         Separating fact from opinion

·         Separating own opinion from text

·         Evaluating arguments

o   Generalizations with supporting info: Do examples sufficiently support general claims made?

o   Inductive & deductive arguments: Is structure of argument clear?

o   Comparison and contrast: Are items compared actually similar? Are contrasts differences? Do similarities & contrasts have effect/import claimed?

o   Cause & effect: Is the causal relationship between factors cited and results demonstrated?

o   Chronological order: Are events mentioned of equal importance?

o   Classification: Are the categories really major? Do you agree with author’s definition of categories & choices of examples for each?

o   Process: Is description effective? Is there enough info to understand & replicate procedure?

o   Definition: Is it clear? Can readers use the term on their own? Are illustrations persuasive & informative? Do you agree with definition? Why? Why not?

o   Introduction: Does it adequately define problem & establish importance? Is lit review adequate?

o   Materials & Methods: Are they adequately described and justified?

o   Results: Is data presented clearly and in enough detail to be explanatory? Do generalizations clearly follow from data?


o   Discussion: Do claims made follow from data? Are implications and practical applications convincingly presented?